How Do You SAVE with CDs?

It takes a little getting used to the idea of paying RM30-70 (or more!) for a nappy and many people get put off right after knowing the price of each CD. With a little calculation & some common sense, you could actually work out how much you can SAVE by using CDs.


  • Buy CDs according to your budget/ what you could afford- just because other people are using the more expensive brand, it doesn't mean that you should too or that it would suit you/ your child.
  • Buy a little at a time- don't rush in to buying a whole stash of the same brand/ type because you might end up not liking them & having to de-stash
  • Buy different types of CDs to have a feel of each before you choose what you like
  • Get out of the 'the more expensive it is, the better it is' mindset because if you have tried enough, you'll know that this is not true
Example of SAVINGS on an RM 30 per piece CD:

Amount of CDs worn/ dayCost of disposable diapers at 50c/ pc
Cost of CD of $30/pc x 36 pcs
0-3 months
4-12 months
1-2 years
2-3 years


$4140- $1080= $3060 Saved per child for the whole of his/ her diapering years!  

You can do your own calculation based on your average expenditure on disposable diapers & see how much you can save.