How to wash your CDs
Many people are put off by the fact that they have to 'dirty' their hands washing away poop & pee when cloth diapering. But many actually don't know that washing modern CDs is in fact very easy, as technology (textile) has made this possible. ALL YOU NEED IS A LOT OF WATER. It's true that CDs need special kind of washing liquid/ powders to be washed with, but they are readily available (some can be really cheap too) & they don't need to use much of these washing liquids/ powders. Sun will naturally bleach your CDs for you.
YES, you can wash your CDs in the washing machine. Please use a laundry bag if you do so to keep your CDs longer lasting.
Preparation of CDs
CDs also need some 'preparation' prior to use- don't expect to wash your new CD once only before trying them on your baby- you'll definitely end up with a major 'leakage' problem! Prime your CDs by washing & drying them several times (between 3-6 times) before putting them onto your child in order for the CD to reach its full absorbency. With CDs, the more you use them, the more absorbent they become & you wont end up frustrated with leaks.
You can use any detergent to wash your CDs with, as long as they don't contain any BLEECH, SOFTENERS OR ENZYMES. These will reduce the absorbency of your CDs.
These are the recommended washing powders/ liquid to use with your CDs:
1. Pureen HAD
2. KAO Attack
3. Cosway - KIDDIEWASH
4. Top detergent (orange packet-low suds)
5. Trojan (in powder form, cheapest option)
6. Harimau Kuat
* Hand-washing will prolong the 'life' of your CD- they dont get damaged too easily and the colours last longer*